Schools (BW)

A wide selection of pictures taken in different schools of Andhra Pradesh, while developing the aid project between Spain and rural South India, PROART. The kids in these images are the reason why the aid project is still alive.

A project created and run only by two regular people, a teacher and a nurse from Spain,  the author of these websites Borja, and his mother, Marián Poveda, along with the valuable and appreciated help of many friends.


Many of these images have been part of different photography exhibitions in Spain and UK, and part of the presentations and activities developed in schools, high schools and universities by PROART  . The children in them and their faces despite their circumstances should not just make us “feel or think”, they should TEACH us.

That is why these children are not just the main goal of the aid project, but also the basis and the meaning of another project of PROART which aims to connect children from all around the world so they can teach and learn from each other.

*All pictures are unedited.


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